

Here we try to answer most of your queries!!

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    Our Service helps small and medium sized businesses, professionals, service providers, vendors, clinics, shops, cafes, restaurants etc, to bring their services On Line.

    We take care of the entire process of online boarding to establish your online profile and to bring your business online.

    When you decide to build your Website, to establish your online presence, there are quite a few things that you need to do.

    1. Get your Domain Name.
    2. Design and Develop your Website.
    3. Find a reliable Hosting provider.
    4. Ensure that your website has the SSL Certificate to validate it's safety online.
    5. Secure your website against any malicious intrusions and hacking attempts.
    6. Ensure that your entire website is backed up, in case you need to re-deploy it after a hacking attempt.
    7. Optimize the contents of your website, so that it loads faster, when a visitor clicks on your landing page.
    8. Ensure that the Images on your website are compressed for speed and presented in the latest versions.
    9. Prevent against brute force attacks, known as DDoS, which can result in genuine visitors not getting access to your website.
    10. Ensure that your hosting provider is deploying servers which ensure speed of your website.
    11. Have a hosting provider who can provide SSD grade storage.
    12. Ensure that your web designer is developing your website on the latest CMS.

    We, as a provider, have a unique business model.

    We provide and take care of the entire process on your Website design, development, web hosting, website security and much more.

    When your join with us, you need not go to different providers to take care of the various processes needed to build and host your website.

    As mentioned, we take care of the entire process of your online presence. Our All Inclusive Package includes the following:

    1. Website Designing, which is Mobile Responsive.
    2. Domain Name Registration ( discounted to the amount of your one month subscription).
    3. Website Hosting.
    4. Logo Designing.
    5. VPS Servers.
    6. SSD Storage.
    7. SSL Certificate.
    8. 24x7 Malware Scanning.
    9. Website Security.
    10. Daily Security Audit Report.
    11. Image Compression.
    12. Website Optimization.
    13. Daily Back-Ups.
    14. Custom Designing like Appointment Schedulers, Price Tables etc. based on the Plan Chosen.
    15. Regular maintenance of your Website.
    16. Routine editing of the contents of your website, based on a schedule, as per your Plan.
    17. Weekly Reports on the status of your website.

    We have developed this concept for all those who would like to have a presence on the World Wide Web, the Internet, without having to pay out a huge amount of money for the same.

    When you have to seek out different providers to take care of your website design, hosting and maintenance, you will be paying out a lot more money.

    But if you engage our services, you get the entire spectrum of services under one umbrella, which, not only costs you a fraction of the amount, but also ensures that all the various components are in complete sync with each other, for a smooth and hassle free experience.


    Website Designing includes the basic framework and structure of your website.

    This is the process by which we collaborate with you, to design and build an aesthetically pleasing and unique website, which reflects your profile and establishes your online presence.

    It includes all the various components of your business or service, that you would like to project.


    As of today, more than 39% of the entire websites on the internet, are built on WordPress.  Unlike what you may have heard, WordPress is a fully developed Content management System CMS, which is capable of handling the most complex of websites. See the  famous websites which are built on Word Press and you will realize that you are in an exclusive club:

    The White House - whitehouse.gov

    Fortune - fortune.com

    The New Yorker - newyorker.com

    Sony Music - sonymusic.com

    The New York Times - nytco.com

    The Walt Disney Company - thewaltdisneycompany.com

    The Official Site of Sweden - sweden.se

    Harvard Gazette - news.harvard.edu/gazette/

    The Sun - thesun.co.uk

    Vogue - vogue.com

    These are just a few examples, of the famous websites which are currently running on Word Press.

    So rest assured that your website will have the same robust capabilities and compatibility with a wide variety of plugins.

    Of course you can. 

    See our concept is different.

    We just don't do Web Designing exclusively. We handle the entire process of your online presence.

    A standalone web-designer will just design and develop your website and hand it over to you. You then are responsible for all the other aspects.

    We, on the other hand, want to help out those who want their presence established quickly on the Internet, without having to go through a long and complex process of having to go to different vendors for different aspects of your website.


    1. Your association with us begins with you registering for our services, using the Email Registration form provided. 
    2. Once we receive your email, we will send you a Welcome Email. 
    3. The first thing that you need to do, is Register your Domain (Read the detailed step by step process in the Domain FAQs). 
    4. In the welcome email, you will get a link to choose the template on which you would like to base your website on. We have a wide list of more than 100 templates, so you will have a lot of choices! 
    5. Along with the Template, you will also get a link to choose a Landing Page mock up, based on your niche, business profile. We have a huge selection of landing pages and you can choose the one that you feel closely reflects on your profile. 
    6. Once you select your Template and the Landing Page design, we will then send you a list of requirements, for the data required to build your website. 
    7. This will include: 
    8. Your Professional / Business name, that you would like to put up on your website. 
    9. If you are based out of a physical location, you need to provide us with the address or addresses (in case of multiple locations). 
    10. A list of Services that you would like to provide to your potential customers. 
    11. Your business hours. 
    12. Your contact details. 
    13. Your Google My Business details, in case you have one. If you don't, we will help you in setting up one, at no extra charge!! 
    14. Your Social Media links like Facebook Business Page and Instagram & Twitter handles, so that you can have social shares linked to your website. 
    15.  You will need to send us some high resolution pictures that you would like to put up on your website. 
    16.  Also if you would like to put up some small intro videos, you can send them too. 


    Website Hosting means a unique virtual space for your website to reside on.

    Let me explain this way:

    If you want to open a business establishment or a shop or office, you will need an office / business space. A physical location where you can set up your business, a place where your potential customers can come to seek out your services. You can rent or buy this space from a developer or promoter.

    Similarly, on the Internet, the Hosting provider is responsible for providing you with your Hosting Space. This is where your potential customers can come to access your website and seek out your services.

    As part of our All Inclusive Package, we also provide your website with Hosting services.


    VPS Servers are one of the most popular hosting servers and are currently highly popular.

    Far better than simple shared servers, the VPS server ensures better security, reliability and performance of your website.

    Other than speed and security, VPS Servers also ensure a high availability and uptime for your website.


    VPS Hosting is a part of our All Inclusive Package. We will never charge you anything extra for VPS hosting.

    Our monthly subscription includes the hosting charges for your VPS Servers.


    Domain Name is the name by which Internet visitors can search you on the world wide web.

    Domain Name is unique for every website.

    It has to be registered under you for you to be able to use it.

    Let's go back to the previous example of a Physical Shop / Office .

    You have opened your business and have rented a place for your business, but for your customers to know about you and find your business location, you have to give it a Name.

    This name is unique for your business and for you to be able to use it exclusively, you will need to register with the relevant authorities.

    Similar you will need to Register your Domain Name before you are authorized to use it.

    Domain Names are provided by agencies known as Registrars.

    We will guide you as to how you can search for and register your unique domain name.

    Now this a tricky one and you need to understand this thoroughly.

    Domain Name is something very unique for you and can only be registered by you. You will always be having access to this domain name, as long as you keep your website active on internet.

    But as a part of our All Inclusive package, we will provide you with a discount which will be equal to the amount of your one month subscription charge.

    So this is a very nice question.

    Domain name charges can vary from $0.1 to >$15000. This is because of the terms under which Domain Registrars provide the names and many unique names maybe previously registered.

    Also regarding the charges, for other Hosting Providers, you need to always read the fine line. Most Hosting providers will provide domain name free for only 1 year and from next year onward it goes back to the regular charges, which can sometimes be very high.

    But under the terms of our All Inclusive Package, we will provide you with a discount on your Domain Name charge which will be equal to your one month subscription package.

    This will be effective every year, as long as you are hosted with us.


    So, going back to the previous example of opening up a new shop or office.

    Once you open up your business, it is very important for you to ensure the security of your business.

    Similarly, once you launch your website, you need to secure it. And this is where Website Security comes in.


    Under our All Inclusive Package, we secure your website by the following means:

    1. Website Security:   Our servers are guarded by state of the art security suites which help in preventing any DDoS attacks and Malware intrusions, even before they reach your website.
    2. 24 x 7 Scanning:   Added to the above, we have our own Security Plugin, which scans your website continuously to search and weed out any malicious contents.
    3. SSL Certificates:   Like when you open your physical business, you need to assure your customers that they are coming at a safe and secure location, similarly SSL Certificates assure your Website visitors and Potential customers that they are going to transact in a secure environment. This also helps in establishing your authority and reputation.


    As part of our All Inclusive Package, we take care of the entire security needs of your website, under your monthly subscription charges.

    You can rest easy knowing that your one monthly subscription charge, also covers your Website Security.

    Unlike other providers, who will never provide a Security Plugin with any package. Security Plugins are always sold separately and are usually quite costly.


    So, going back to the previous example of opening up a new shop or office.

    Once you open up your business, it is very important for you to ensure that the paper data that you are generating in your day to day business, like invoices, orders, customers details, suppliers, vendors, payroll items etc are all also copied and saved in another location, so that if the primary location is damaged or rendered unavailable, you can still have copies of all your business data.

    Data Back Up Services act in similar way. They make a digital copy of the entire contents of your website and save them at another location.

    In case your website goes down or is rendered unavailable due to any reason, you do not have any reason to panic.

    Your data is safely stored at a third party site and can be used to immediately re-install your entire website, with the click of a button!

    As simple and secure as that!


    As part of our All Inclusive Package, we take care of the entire Data Back Up process of your website.

    As long as you are associated with us and are paying a monthly subscription, your data will be backed up....Daily!.

    You can back up your data on your Google Drive, associated with your Gmail, a free 15 GB data storage.

    Data is backed up Incrementally, which means only the latest changed are backed up, avoiding unnecessary overwriting of data and clogging of storage space.


    So this one is a bit technical.

    There are whole lot of processes happening at the back-end, to keep your website running.

    These integrated processes need to be optimized so that when a visitor is accessing your website, they have a smooth and pleasant experience, especially with a fast loading time.

    Optimization is the method which manages all these various interlinked process from one central location.


    This is a completely automated process.

    Our Plugin not only helps in optimization of the website assets, it also compresses the images and provides them in the latest format.

    It provides constant Uptime Monitoring of your website and provides regular Performance Reports in your inbox.


    As part of our All Inclusive Package, we take care of the entire Website Optimization process of your website.

    As such, this is a very integral part of our offering and helps in providing a very smooth web experience to the visitors of your website, which in turn helps in enhancing your reputation.

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